Biographical Questions


Collecting quality Biographical data is very important for multi-sport organisations as it is used for a variety reasons including the promotion of the athletes and their achievements and interests to various stakeholders. Team handbooks, website profiles and social media platforms all require interesting content and using the  Bio data collected to build quality profiles. There may also be other data that is critical for managing your team such as travel Visa’s and family background. Examples of the headings that might be designed under this section include;

  • Family Background questions
  • Personal Interests
  • Favorite moments in sport
  • Likes and Dislikes (food, music, movies etc)

Learn how to add biographical questions by following the screen steps below:

  1. Click on the ‘System’ Menu then on the ‘Adhoc’ Menu.
  2. You can view Bio Questions already available in this Games
  3. To add a new question click on the Add Question Button

Adding the Question


Once you’ve clicked  ‘+Add Question’, you will be at Ad-hoc Question Administration page where you will create the actual question. The section and group would have been chosen by this point (from the previous step) but you must now fill out all the other details before creating your question.

Please note that any field that contains an asterik(*) is considered mandatory and your question will not save unless that field is complete.

  1. Choose the Section – the section reflects the tabs on the dialog box.
  2. Choose the Group (Accordion) the Question will be group under in the Dialog box
  3. Choose the format of the question (text, yes/no, option list)
  4. Choose the Games for the question (will you ask this question in ALL Games, a specific Games (Glasgow 2014), or a Games Type (i.e. Commonwealth Games only)
  5. Who will answer the question? – Will it be only a certain function (i.e. question will be asked of just the athletes & officials or just the athletes?)
  6. Choose the gender for the question? Will this be answered by both genders?
  7. Display order- give the question a number based on where we want it to appear
  8. Include Date: This will display the date in which the question was complete
  9. Include Completed: This will show a yes/no to whether the question was completed
  10. Include Note: Do you need additional notes for this question? 
  11. Included in XML Feed: If you have a web feed that you would like the questions to automatically appear to. This also includes Athlete Handbook: If your NOC or the Organising Committee is creating an xml athlete handbook that you wish for the question to appear in.
  12. Included in Official Handbook is also an xml feed: Same as above but for an Official. 

The Question

Now you can create the question and click ‘Save’.