+1% App

Multi-Sport organisations hold a unique position as owners of their teams and their associated data including athlete results and profiles. In 2014 the AMO successfully delivered team apps to 6 Commonwealth Games Associations attending the Glasgow 2014 Games. The apps enabled these organisations to leverage their data, to promote their athletes to their fans, to build on social media forums and to access sponsorship.

The case study and lessons learnt from the Glasgow 2014 app can be found in this section.

The AMO has available to it the resources, technical expertise and understanding of data to deliver an app with daily schedules, results, athlete profiles, medal tables and integrated social media features for a team. Fans now have high expectation that this type of technology will be available so they can support their team attending a major event like the Olympic Games. Team apps can be leveraged to the organisations advantage by building brand value, loyalty and creating a value added connection to teams fans. An app provides the type of value proposition that today’s sponsors are seeking as it connects loyal fans and social media interaction with their brand.

If you would like to discuss the development of a Team app with the AMO then please email us at info@amo-sport.com

