Name Management

Plus1% has 3 places to manage a team members name:

  • Name on the contact tab
  • Accreditation Name on the Selection tab
  • Passport on the Personal tab

Contact Name

Once you are in the Team Member’s dialog box:

  1. Click the ‘Contact’ tab
  2. Open the Name accordion by either clicking on the Name or the downward facing angle bracket
  3. This is where most of the system names are managed
  4. By putting in a person Full Name it enables you to distinguish between team members and contacts that have the same name. This name will appear on the team search results and contact search results
  5. Click ‘Save’

Former Names: Are used if someone has had a legal change of name for reasons other than marriage.

Maiden Name: To track maiden name before marriage

Name Used at a Games

Name As Accredited is used to track which name an athlete competed under in each Games.  This will allow you to change the name in Plus1% but all records will still reflect their name at the time of the games. This field is auto populated when a person is added to a Games so should not need adjusting as to manage your teams. If an athlete changes their name by say marriage and they compete at another Games with a different name then the name the athlete competed at for this Games is stored here.

Once you are in the Team Member’s dialog:

  1. Click ‘Selection’ tab
  2. Open the accordion Name As Accredited to adjust the name for this Games and then save.

Passport Name

Once in a Team Member’s dialog box go to the Personal tab:

  1. Click on the Passport accordion
  2. Click on edit if a passport exists or Add Passport to display the passport fields
  3. The ‘Passport Name’ is in 2 fields ‘Given & Family Name’
  4. Click ‘Save’

Extensive research has been done on passport names by the AMO and we believe this method of passport name storage is the best practice and will enable you to share the passport details with your travel agent to get ensure the name given is the same as the name on the passport. There has been a trend in recent for Games Organizing Committees to request the second name to be split into a separate field. This practice is NOT recommended.