Medical Questions‬


Important Medical data used by Team Doctors and other Health Professionals for the management of the teams health and well-being can be collected in a confidential and private manner through Zeus. The data can be restricted and accessed only by authorised persons. Examples of the type of data that might be collected in this section includes;

  • Family Doctor Contact Details
  • Allergies and Special Dietary Requirements
  • Current Health Issues
  • Past Injuries
  • Current Injuries


To create Medical Questions, follow the screen steps below:

Click on the top ‘Admin’ Menu, then on the left ‘Adhoc’ Menu.

You must select a section (in this instance Team-Personal Medical), a group, a Games (if you want the question to appear in ALL Games, you may leave it as ‘Not Selected’ and determine whether it will be a sport specific question (i.e. only asked to athletics). If it will be a question that relates to all sports then you may leave it as ‘Not Selected’.

Adding the Question

Adding the Question

Once you have selected a section, group, Games, and Sport/Discipline (if applicable) you may now click on the ‘+Add Question’ blue hyperlink.

Adhoc Question Administration

Adhoc Question Administration

Once you’ve clicked ‘+Add Question’, you will be at Ad-hoc Question Administration page where you will create the actual question. The section and group would have been chosen by this point (from the previous step) but you must now fill out all the other details before creating your question.

Please note that any field that contains an asterik(*) is considered mandatory and your question will not save unless that field is complete.

Choose the format of the question (text, yes/no, option list etc.)

Choose the Games for the question (will you ask this question in ALL Games, a specific Games (Glasgow 2014), or a Games Type (i.e. Commonwealth Games only)

Who will answer the question? – Will it be only a certain function (i.e. question will be asked of just the athletes & officials or just the athletes?)

Choose the gender for the question? Will this be answered by both genders?

Display order- give the question a number based on where we want it to appear

Tick any of the boxes you which to include

Now you can create the question, then click ‘Save’.