‪Adding Athletes into Individual Events‬

This page is for adding non Team athletes into events. If an athlete is in a team, defined as any events with 2 or more athletes competing together, then please follow the Setting Up Teams and Adding Athletes to Team pages.

Step 1 – Adding Individual Athletes into Events

Step 1 - Adding Individual Athletes into Events

Search for a selected athlete in the sport and go into the record. Once in the record then click on the left hand menu Admin and go to the Event tab (1)

Click on Add Event (2).

Add the event. The other fields relate to the athletes final position in the event and not the various phases of the competition such as heats or preliminary rounds, quarter finals, semi finals or finals. In the example given above the athlete may have a final position of say 8th in a field of 35 athletes and won a diploma if one was awarded at the Games. Any note pertaining to the performance or event can be added here. The athlete in now added to the event. Only the events in the sport and available to the gender can be added e.g. a female cannot be added into a male event. Athletes CANNOT be added into teams in this section – please see adding athletes to a team.

If the event is not appearing in the drop down list then please contact Richard de Groen or Ellen Barwise and they will add the event – this is a feature controlled by the AMO to ensure consistency and standardization of event names.